Russian wars in the Caucasus
in the 19th century

After Georgia joined the Russian Empire in 1801, many bloody wars were fought in the Caucasus and Transcaucasia throughout the 19th century: with Persia in 1804-1813, 1826-1828, and the Ottoman Porte (Turkey) in 1806-1812, 1828-1829, 1853-1856, 1877-1878. However, the longest was the Caucasian War (1817-1864), the beginning of which dates back even to 1801, according to some data.

This section of the exhibition presents battle maps, paintings, and photographs dedicated to the main battles; weapons; collective and individual awards and grants of soldiers and officers of the Imperial Russian Army and the Caucasian highlanders received during their participation in these wars; portraits and personal belongings of the famous generals of the Caucasian War — Field-Marshal-General Prince A.I. Baryatinsky and Imam Shamil.
Qama dagger with scabbard
The wing belonged to the adjutant Prince A. A. Suvorov, a participant in the Caucasian war. Tiflis. Master Georg Of Eliazarov (Siarov). 1846. From the collection of A. D. Gnedovsky
A dagger with a scabbard
It belonged to Jamaluddin Kazi-Kumukhsky (1782 or 1788-1866), the teacher of Imam Shamil. The 1860s. From the collection of V. R. Mangutov
A saber that belonged to the major-General of his Majesty's Retinue, S. M. Vorontsov
Transcaucasia, Akhaltsikhe (Akhaltsikhe). Master M. K. Burunsuz. 1853. From the collection of Y. V. Makarov
Standard (badge) of field Marshal General Prince A. I. Baryatinsky
1850s. The National Museum of the Republic of Dagestannamed after A. Taho-godi
Circassians, lurking in ambush
The Sculptor E. A. Lanceray. Factory Of C. F. Berto. 1871. From the collection of K. V. Zhuromsky
Imam Shamil's weekly holsters
Mid-XIX century. The National Museum of the Republic of Dagestan named after A. Taho-godi
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